In Power Apps, it’s simple to change the controls’ appearance by changing properties like fill and color, but we can´t change the calendar’s appearance in the Date Picker control.

Well, there is a way now 🙂

The process that we are about to show will allow you to change the calendar’s colors.

Default Calendar theme

This workaround consists of exporting the app and change the calendar’s properties directly in the .json files.

Export the Power App to your desktop

Go to the Power App enviroment and export the package

Select the App and click Export Package
Insert a field Name and click Export

Unzip the package and the .msapp file

Unzip the package, explore the folder and unzip the .msapp file.

Unzip the package and the .msapp file

Change the Calendar’s theme

Change the calendar’s theme so the new controls of the Date Picker type will have the new colors.

Go to the References folder and open the file Theme.json.

Using a Regular expression, replace the properties CalendarHeaderFill and SelectedDateFill with the new colors.

CalendarHeaderFill Find (use Regular Expression):


Replace with:

"property":"CalendarHeaderFill","value":"RGBA(10, 155, 3, 1)"

SelectedDateFill Find (use Regular Expression):


Replace with:

"property":"SelectedDateFill","value":"RGBA(251, 188, 159, 1)"
Change a calendar’s Theme

Replace the controls’ colors

After changing the theme’s color, change the colors of the controls that are already in the App.

Go to the Controls folder and edit all the files (we recommend doing this with VS code).

Once again, replace the properties CalendarHeaderFill and SelectedDateFill with the colors of your choice. Do this to all the files.

CalendarHeaderFill Find (use Regular Expression):


Replace with:

"Property":"CalendarHeaderFill","Category":"Design","InvariantScript":"RGBA(10, 155, 3, 1)"

SelectedDateFill Find (use Regular Expression):


Replace with:

"Property":"SelectedDateFill","Category":"Design","InvariantScript":"RGBA(251, 188, 159, 1)"
Replace the controls’ colors

Compact package

The compact package must be done using PowerShell, otherwise, it will probably not import correctly.

The following script will compact the Power App folder and rename it to .msapp. After that, it will compact the package folder.

$executingScriptDirectory = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent

$jsonFile = Get-Childitem -Path $executingScriptDirectory -Recurse  | where {$_.Name -eq "Themes.json"}


$CompressFilePath =Join-Path -Path $jsonFile.Directory.Parent.Parent.FullName -ChildPath $AppName

Compress-Archive -Path $folderToCompress"\*" -DestinationPath $CompressFilePath".zip" -Update

$Filemsapp = $CompressFilePath.ToString()+".msapp"

if (Test-Path $Filemsapp) {
  Remove-Item $Filemsapp
Rename-Item $CompressFilePath".zip" $Filemsapp

Compress-Archive -Path $executingScriptDirectory"\*"  -DestinationPath $executingScriptDirectory"\" -Update

Create a compact Powerapp.ps1 file with the code shown above, and place it in the package folder. Run it and it will generate the compact package to import to the Power Apps environment.

Compact Package

Import the package

To import the package, open the Power Apps enviorment and click import.

Click Upload and select the package to import.

Click Update and select the app to update. Then, click save and import.


We have changed the Power App calendar color for new controls and for the controls that were already in the app.

New Calendar Colors

This example only shows us how to change the calendar’s properties, but if you dig deeper in the .json files, you’ll find that you can do much more.

Categories: Power Apps


Anusha Tottadi · December 22, 2022 at 6:20 am

Unable to convert mssp file into a folder. Please help me on it

Anusha Tottadi · December 22, 2022 at 7:30 am

While running the PowerShell for compactPowerapp.ps1, its not working.

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